Friday, February 24, 2012

If I were to plot a hierarchy of my family, I'd have to certainly start with my father's side because on my mom's side, she has all sisters, so there wouldn't be any lineage from that side. So on my father's side, I don't know my great-grandparents echelon, so I'll start with my grandfather. So my grandparents had 4 children, the two older children are male, and the two younger are female. My dad is the oldest of his siblings. So if my grandfather was King, my dad would be first in line for succession. My mom and dad had only one child, me, so thus, I would be second in line for succession. This is the line of succession for the Magsino family.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The soliloquy I've been working on for the past few days is nearly coming to its completion. It is about Oberon trying to sleep the night after accepting what has happened, and thinking about what he should do next. The writing portion of it was quite fun and intellectually challenging. I've been revising the iambic pentameter style to make is as accurate as I possible can, while still keeping the meaning. Next, more recently, we have had to assign speech methods to lines so that when we read our soliloquy, we can read it and voice it with emphasis and proper sound techniques.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Towards the end of Act IV in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare shows us just exactly the nature of romantic love. Take Oberon for example. In the beginning of Act II, we are introduced to Oberon who is entangled in an argument between him and his wife. he wants to changeling child to to bad and his wife, the queen doesn't want him to take it. Oberon decides to prank his wife, and his wife ends up unconditionally loving Bottom. This was all part of Oberon's plan, but he noticed just how his wife acts when she was truly in love. She brought Bottom gifts, petted him, etc. All along this situation was a power struggle of love, to get even with his wife. Oberon has become jealous, and now accepts how complex love is, how confusing it is, and most importantly, how it cannot be forced upon one another.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In Act 3 of A Midsummer Night's Dream, there are several soliloquy dialogues that state the intention of the character carrying out the action. In Scene 2, Puck reports back to Oberon about his dealings with Titania. He states that he has been successful in doing as he wished- squeezing the juice of the flower into the Fairy Queen's eyes. Puck also tells Oberon that the Fairy Queen ended up falling in love with Bottom, who now has a donkey's head, which makes him looks like a monster. In addition, Puck also tells that he has juiced one of the Athenians, the wrong one of course. By the end of the scene, Oberon and Puck have to conjure a way to fix the mess they have caused amongst the four lovers. The way they will do it, I predict, will possibly through some more magic, which Shakespeare shows an abundance of in this play.

Monday, February 6, 2012

I finished reading the second Act of A Midsummer Night's Dream and am enjoying the plot and characters so far. It seems that soon all of the characters introduced will come together and create one big convoluted maelstrom of scenes filled with emotions. I enjoy the trickery the fairies are playing on the humans. Moreover, if I were Hermia, I would be upset but extremely confused on what is exactly going on. I'm hoping in the next Act those foolish actors will come in and have their parts in this.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Act 1 of A Midsummer Night's Dream is definitely leaving me with a draught of suspense. I'm curious to see how Helena develops further in the play and if she does truly snitch on Hermia and Lysander when they do go into the woods. Moreover, the several men performing the play about Pyramus and Thisbe give me a sense of foreshadowing. I've learned of this story in Greek mythology before, and I did find it somewhat saddening how desperate uncertainty can drive what someone does. I also kind of want to punch Bottom, he's really annoying. When they state they will meet in the woods to rehearse the play, I immediately knew these two groups: Hermia and Lysander, and the performers; would somehow meet or get mixed together. I enjoyed the first Act and really looking forward to the plot and character development in the later acts.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I finished my sonnet about my experience doing my Senior Service project last night. The initial apprehension, the truth, and the outcome of my true experience. This was an interesting assignment, since I've never written a sonnet before. I love how it brings out a creative side in all of us, as we saw yesterday with some of the other students, that no other assignments could. It did take longer than I expected, I tried to follow scansion and such and it took me roughly over two hours, but I enjoyed it.