Friday, May 4, 2012

Comparing Merchant's Portia with Isabella

Both Portia from The Merchant of Venice and Isabella from Measure for Measure are complex characters Shakespeare has created. One significant trait that both have is power - power through speech. Since I have completed reading The Merchant of Venice, I understand that Portia is an extremely dominant character and also somewhat sly and deceptive - her and Narissa played mind games with Antonio and Bassanio. Isabella, however, I have not read so far into Measure for Measure but from the conversation with Angelo, her words, in a way, seduce him into having second thoughts abut condemning Claudio to death. When Isabella is scolding Angelo about his tyrannous nature, she puts Angelo into a complex situation where he has feelings for her not emotionally, but sexually, although she is a nun-to-be. Being able to capture other characters in this sort of matter is quite otherworldly and a unique talent of these women.

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